Continuing the theme of my last post, this is another test in my diet experiment. Laurie D of Food for Primal Thought generously provided a recipe for roasted vegetables in one of her recent entries, and I obviously decided to try it.
She recommends using any kinds of vegetables. I ended up using broccoli, cauliflower, and carrots, which were the only vegetables I had (other than the potatoes that I meant to add and forgot). I also added steak, which I had marinaded in a mixture of honey dijon and Italian dressing for the length of The Mummy Returns, then cooked in a frying pan. When the steak was done and the vegetables were chopped, I put them all together in a glass pan (thank you, Pyrex).
I doused with olive oil, salt, and pepper, then put it in the oven at 350 degrees. After about fifteen minutes, I added parsley, thyme and oregano. I left it in the oven about five more minutes, I pulled it out and am now digging in, enjoying it immensely with a glass of sauvignon blanc.
Next time I will experiment with different vegetables, because I honestly feel like I could eat any kind of vegetable this way. Thanks, Laurie!